
23 September 2010


He is considered to be rationalist.

He is considered an idealist philisopher too because he wanted to know more and didn’t conform with what he saw, smelled, heard or touched. He belived in different realities than the one everyone knows.

He had the idea that we all have innate know is to remeber because our soul, before incarnated, was in the world of Forms. (He belived in reincarnation too).

He thought that knowledge is acquired only through REASON. Therefore, through senses (for example love) you cannot achieve total knowledge.

He suggested the existence of a world of forms, opposed to the matter world.  According to Plato forms are intelligible ideas, the ultimate realities from which the world of objects has been patterned. He believed that ideas were the essence of type physical reality.

He created the cave allegory. It explained how we can live in a fake world and not notice what really is real because our senses deceive us.

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